Monday, January 07, 2008

Jeff Wilson

Looking through some old stuff and ran across some Jeff Wilson-From Survivor show then somewhat famous for underwear ads and such with us gays.......Anyhow he reminds me of Patrick Wilson-- they could related no? I could go for a Jeff and Patrick sandwich. I will be the middle.....they can be the bread....


M- Filer said...

I agree with you on PR getting some male models on board, I was just saying that to a friend this week! I think your guy here would do just fine.

A Lewis said...

Exactly how does one get to look like this? Airbrushing? Photoshop?

WAT said...

He's hot, but I'd like more facial and body hair on him.

Mark in DE said...

Although I usually prefer men with some visible body hair, Jeff Wilson is TOTALLY HOT!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

These guys put Owen and Luke to shame.