Monday, February 25, 2008

Temperature Rises Of the Week
Johnny Lee Miller and Robert Buckley

Johnny Lee Miller as Eli Stone- This show reminds me of Ali McBeal. Great show and Johnny Lee Miller is such the hunk .

Robert Buckley aka Kirby Atwood in new show Lipstick Jungle ... So I mentioned him when he was on Fashion House....Yum! Click to enlarge....


A Lewis said...

Not such a bad way to spend a Monday afternoon, now is it?

Mark in DE said...

I agree, and will make Jonny Lee Miller a Crush du Jour soon.

Mark :-)

WAT said...

Way ta go Johnny Lee Miller!


Paul Pincus said...

Robert Buckley is insanely hot...I've had a crush on Johnny Lee Miller since he was married to Angelina Jolie and starred with her in Hackers.

Most excellent blog!


WAT said...

OOPS! I meant to praise and salivate over Robert Buckley, not J.L. Miller.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Eli Stone is SUCH a male Ally McBeal. Can't wait til George Michael makes another appearance on the show...