Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesdays Beef
and thoughts.....
Thought I would show my versatility in men today....something about this boy says he would be quite a good time eh? Sorry about my post being kinda scarce these days....Sometimes I am just not in the mood or time is not on my side-I have been good about going to other fave blogs...just bad about posting in this one....I think I may need a blog break soon which should help. Work has been very busy which is good as the days fly by and I love that. We found out yesterday that our office is moving. We are currently in downtown Seattle and we will be moving out of the city and some in the office are up in arms over it but I am happy over the move as its close to home for us and we wont have to deal with the city and its parking and such. The new office is much nicer than our current office and it will save the company so much money to move out of the city and the amenities are much better. It is in a really nice area with trails to walk, jog or ride a bike on and the building has large windows and a new fitness center. It is surrounded by trees and a few cafes and a major mall is less than a mile its a good change. Home life has also been just as busy as we are getting the house in order for the new year with cleaning and downsizing our stuff--so much stuff!!! And spending time with friends and our kids. Having 3 dogs with one of them being a rambunctious puppy takes some play time each day. We did not like many get on a new fitness or diet regime for the new year and I think we will wait and really get into this when the move to the new office happens--it will be a perfect time to start. We are still making plans for a quick getaway next month as a beach is still calling our names! I think Hawaii is calling us back home. While there we are going to check out homes and jobs as we are actually thinking about maybe just maybe making the move that we have wanted to do for a long time and move back to the islands. It would be the hardest thing to do but we have to think about where we are in our lives and if we should do it now or keep putting it off....Will see how this all plays out..... Please keep us in your you are in mine...among other things! he he he....xoxoxox


MAC said...

Well, it sounds like your distractions are positive ones. Just remember to keep friends and family on the top of your list. XXOO

A Lewis said...

So, by the time i see you, you may have a new home in HI??? Oh no you don't! Not before we get to meet face to face!

Alpha Omega said...

Congrats on the move. I would love for my office to move...but no such luck. THey just signed a lease for another 5 years. OF course, I will be in a new area by then.

Miss ya lots!

Mark in DE said...

Your new office sounds great! It could really make a difference in your quality of life, not having to deal with city traffic and parking, but instead having a fitness center and walking/jogging trails. Good for you!

Brent said...

Do you mind if I can go with you guys? : )

Rick said...

Maui please so I can come for a visit. I've had the itch for a couple of years to move. I want to go to the northwest of all places?// Go figure. Good luck whatever you decide.

Unknown said...

If you go to Hawaii take me with you, I think I can fit in a suitcase, he he!

Anonymous said...

He does look like a good time, as long as he doesn't talk! LOL