Friday, May 08, 2009

Happy Mums Day
Happy Mothers days to all you mothers out there! Now I know all you wonderful sons and daughters will make sure to do something special for your mum....My mum is very sick as she had chemo this week.... We will still be going over on Sunday-- I am hoping she is feeling up to going to the garden nursery as she asked me if we would plant her planters for her the other day when I checked in on her..... I want he to go with to pick out the plants she wants in her planters..but if not the hubby and I know what she enjoys...Then maybe go to brunch....if she isn't up to it we will do something at the house and make brunch or dinner and hang out at the house as we do her plantings...This will be a perfect day...the main thing is to spend it with her as that makes her and I the happiest--just spending time with us boys.-- together......this mothers day more than ever I want to make sure to tell and show my mum what she means to I am not sure I will have my mommy for many more mothers day celebrations.... it hard to think about that.....So make them count as we never know....


larry said...

sorry to hear about your mom. thats tough. my mom is 90 and has heart problems. a lot to think about...

Eddie said...

I hope you and most of all your mom have a great Mother's Day. I know you mom is feeling kind of fragile lately, but I'm sure your visit and creative ideas will blast her with a ray of sunshine.

I will be heading out to New Jersey to visit family along with my mom. It's all about the family.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes on a healthy, happy Mother's Day (and many more!). xoxo Zen

Mark in DE said...

Hope your Mother's day visit was nice and that your mother was feeling okay. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...


Wanna to exchange links?

All the best,