Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its Getting HOT In Here
Lets Take Off All Our Clothes
Im am serious! Looks like we may beat out our all time record of 100 in Seattle.

That's all I can say. This pattern is unlike perhaps any other in Western Washington history. Upper-level high pressure -- incredibly strong -- is basically sitting right on top of us. That alone would make us quite warm. But throw in an offshore wind that will develop today... and you have the recipe for the hottest 3-day stretch of weather ever in the Seattle area.

Time to get nakkid folks!! I love this weather!


A Lewis said...

I promise I will...if you boys will....on Friday.

Greg said...

It's been much hotter than that down here in Long Beach. But it certainly makes for an enjoyable morning walk on Saturday down by the ocean....

Anonymous said...

Go Seattle! Us New Yorkers are jealous!

Stephen R. said...

I love hot and humid weather SO MUCH! It's my Southern roots. It makes me want to walk around in just a slip and recite all of Maggie's lines from CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. All day long. :)

Rick said...

Yeah I can be a news and weather junkie and I've heard about the northwest. So I feel shameful when I complain about the heat and humidity. But you still live in a beautiful area.

Ray's Cowboy said...

At least we atre getting a break down in Texas. Hopefully you can get a couple of good freind to help you take your clothes off and have some summer fun.