Thursday, August 06, 2009

My Type
soooooo my type...Love these shorts! I remember when we all wore these exact shorts in PE back in the day.....I had a few guys that were my faves in gym class that had this exact look! What a hottie!


A Lewis said...

oh great, I know why I'm not your type. Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

He is my type too. Yumm! Granted, most guys are my type, but he is right up there!

Olympus said...

im sorry baby... but he is mine! hehe... mmmmmmmm He is really hot! like ur blog!

I add u!

I create my personal blog with pics and vid... I hope u like it!

MTaylor813 said...

Very nice!!

Anonymous said...

Love those shorts!

Stephen said...

You have excellent taste in men & shorts. Your dream boat fill them out nicely.

Ray's Cowboy said...

Hate to say this..My type lately has been the type that has a heart beat and breathing.
This guy is HOT.

Olympus said...
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Eddie said...

Not only are those shorts the epitome of sexy, but they're also my favorite color... GREEN.

He is a well-structured man indeed. I'm not usually into white guys, but I'll take you and him

Peace and Latin love

PS. I miss you terribly buddy. Sorry I haven't been around. You have my official apology...

Jay said...

damn he's fine!

Larry Ohio said...

I am so with you on this.

Anonymous said...

HUH-LOW! Oh those gym shorts.

Anonymous said...

Who looked like that in our gym class??? I don't remember anyone looking THAT
