Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mmmm Cupcakes!
Made some cupcakes for the office today---My desk area smells so delish this a cupcake bakery! I know Im not the best froster as you can tell but its the thought the counts right? Red Velvet with butter cream frosting.....everyone will have red lips from the red velvet my hands are red from trying to frost these fuckers this am.......LOL.... I am so ready to start my 4 day weekend already.....


MAC said...

MMMM, Cupcakes!!!

Anonymous said...

Those look VERY yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes! they look so yummy! Fedex them? Kidding! Yes? No?

Oh look Yummy (mac) and Yummy (michael) is here too.

A room full of yummies!

Ray's Cowboy said...

Well call you Martha, They look so yummy. You are right it is the thought that counts. "and that is a good thing"

Jose Eduardo said...

:O im so jealous :P, i need to work with you lol

Stephen said...

Thanks for the VD week special treats... & gee, I wish you were in my office with those cupcakes!

witomski said...

Just lick that icing ever so slowly before diving into that gooey center....spurt!

Anonymous said...

they look good

A Lewis said...

"The best froster"......hehehehe. A big smile is on my face.

Greg said...



M said...

Love this post, Rad!
They don't make cupcakes over here, so when I see pix like this one here, it's instant homesickness in the most pleasant of ways.
Wishing you and hubby a very Happy Valentine's Day. Any special plans?

Anonymous said...

I attempted to make a red velvet cake until I realized it called for 1/4 cup of red food coloring (which I did not have) so I made a devil's food cake (just as fuckin' sexy I say) instead. BTW, love your blog and I hope you don't think it's wrong for this straight woman to log on daily to view your hot hot hottie photos of gay men?

Dean Grey said...


I could eat all of those right now!!
