Friday, September 29, 2006

Talks About Trousersnake

Janet Jackson hasn't spoken to Justin Timberlake since the infamous Superbowl 'nipplegate' incident.
The two singers sparked outrage when Justin tore off part of Janet's outfit to expose her pierced breast during their half-time performance and Janet admits she wants to discuss what happened with the SexyBack star.
She told US chat show host Oprah Winfrey: "We haven't spoken but I consider him a friend, and I'm very loyal, and friendship is very important to me. He has reached out to speak with me. Like I said, friendship is very important to me - and certain things you just don't do to friends. In my own time, I'll give him a call."
Janet still has a bone to pick with Justin for not sticking up for her after the incident which was condemned across the US.
However, the 40-year-old singer admits she is still amazed the accident got so much attention. She explained: "Many more important things were going on in the world. And the focus was on my breast? That didn't make any sense to me."

Jeff and I picked up her new cd last night at Costco!--We love Costco!! Its really good...My favorite part is you get to pick which cd cover with Janet on it...What can we say we are True 80's boys we love our Janet and Madge......

Jim McGreevey

Former New Jersey Governor and gay American James McGreevey was expected to read the Top Ten on tonight's Late Show with David Letterman but never showed despite attempts by Letterman's staff to get in touch with him, according to CBS.
Said Letterman: "We had invited the governor to be here, he said he would be here, we were all very excited that he was going to be here and then he stopped calling. They just stopped calling. They left us numbers that were unplugged, we couldn't get a hold of him. He said, 'Oh no, we're coming, don't worry, we're coming,' and that's the last we heard of him…I hope he's okay."

Tonight's Top Ten List, "Chapter Titles in Jim McGreevey's Book"

10. "The Day I Got Caught Governing Myself"
9. "How to Pretend to Like Girls for 47 Years"
8. "From Schwarzenegger to Pataki: Governors I'd Like to Oil Up"
7. "Another Confession – I Can't Resist Entenmann's Pound Cake"
6. "At First I Just Thought I Was Bipartisan"
5. "The New Jersey Budget Crisis – What Would Judy Garland Do?"
4. "A Look at the Governor's Balls"
3. "Politicians Who Left a Bad Taste in My Mouth"
2. "How to Push Through a Bill – Or a Steve or a Larry…"
1. "Why I Don't Like Bush"

Hilarity! taken from towleroad-

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dinner Time....

So its Thursday which means only one more day till Friday.. THANK GOD! Dinners on the way!! Jeff and I enjoy our nightly dinners together...Jeff made huli huli chicken last night and it was yummy and I think hes making Hawaiian chili tonite..It has lots of Portuguese sausage in it! I like that sausage! Well then its time for Thursday night tv on the new sectional with the kids (Our dogs Maile and Alika). Should be a lovely evening....Tomorrow we have a dinner on board the Holland America Ship the Zaandam...Most people would get mini orgasm's about dinner on a luxury ship..Not Jeff and I---We are trying to get out of it--been there some that....Who wants to be around drunk ,ugly overweight co workers? Not us! Ha! I am hoping I get a sniffle tonite so I can be sick....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Jake Shears

Scissor Sisters Alert!!...On Dancing with the Stars tonite!!....Ok... so my mom and dad even love Jake...They told me they saw this guy that was so entertaining a few weeks back on Fashion Rocks with Elton John. They loved him and couldn't stop talking about him all day....A whole day of riddles and hints was taken-- His name was Jack--the group was Swing cents-- yada yada ---I finally guessed when my mom imitated this crazy dance and my dad told me he really kept showing off his nipple! That made me guess Jake Shears and yes after a day I got it! In any event I cant wait to see what they do on Dancing tonite!
Celebrity Collage..

Done it twice and I still get Jason Biggs...I must be the Hawaiian Portuguese version of Jason Biggs! This is fun! Now I get Jessica Alba-- Better than Lisa Ling Ling...

Try it out
My Look A Likes...

This is funny--Im not sure if Im happy for looking more like Jason Biggs or Lisa Ling....

TONY TRIPOLI- Does a quick Q and A
With a RAD ASS HOMO…….

So you all know how I am very into the latest hit show Fashion House on the new My Network TV…I so love this show and its stars but particularly the hot men…… One of these very hot men is Tony Tripoli… Tony plays HANS, one of Bo Derek’s gay designers on the show. You may also recognize him from his stint as one of the “MAIN GAYS” on season one of "The D list" with Kathy Griffin. Or maybe you were lucky and spotted his fine ass up against a wall in his very cute black undies in the Sept issue of OUT…

I had the opportunity this last week to do my first Q and A with the very handsome and very funny Tony recently...Hope you enjoy it…I certainly did!

So Tony...What’s on you’re I Pod right now that's getting some heavy rotation from ya?

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Simpson, Scissor Sisters, Beyonce and the Pussycat Dolls....embarrassing, huh? I swear, if I ever lose my I pod, whoever finds it will go to the nearest high school and say "Some girl lost this....probably a freshman."

Sounds like my I pod! Now ....If you could invite one person to dinner, who would that be and why?

Id love dinner with a really diverse group that I consider champions of mine...folks that really "made their own way"---How 'bout Elton John, Rufus Wainwright, Carson Kressley, RuPaul, Dolly Parton, Susan Sarandon, Joan Rivers, JLo, Jim McGreevy, George Clooney, Bill Maher, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton and Al Gore.... well maybe not really THAT diverse after all, but what a GREAT party!

Sounds like a blast can I come? Now dare I ask....would there be be any one person you would never invite to dinner?

I am not really interested in sharing a meal with Pat Robertson, Omarossa, or, our current president. No Thanks...

I agree! Can you reveal to me the curse word you tend to overuse on a daily basis?

I have a major potty-mouth, so I love MOTHERFUCK, COCKSUCKER, SHIT.....and SUCK MY DICK.! But "Mother-FUCK!" is def my go-to curse.

Ok so how about a word or maybe even phase that you consider your favorite choice for "Gay" lingo word/phrase of all time?

I have dated a number of Asian men, and because of that I’m often labeled a "rice-queen", which I think is a really ugly expression. However, a former BF of mine (Filipino) taught me the expression "Sticky Rice", which is when two Asians date each other, and THAT I think is GENIUS!!!!!

Can you reveal to us where you’re favorite place is to vacation and get some R and R?

My FAV place in the WORLD is probably Cozumel, Mexico. I fucking love Mexico! I go there every year at least once a year to lie on the beach and just have a bit of quiet is pretty great! The Palancar Reef is one of the most magical places I have ever gone diving. I LOVE IT!!!!

Bonus Question!!!!

Can you share with us the craziest place you have ever did it?

Okay........not many people know this story: I used to sing on ships, and on my 1st one, we had a little turntable built in to the stage (You know, for the "Guys and Dolls" number....stop laughing!!!) Anyway, I had always heard that the crew hooked up with passengers, and I wanted my, I did it with a passenger ON THE TURNTABLE, while rotating, at about 2 a.m.! I seriously could of a lost my job for that shit....and it SUCKED!

P.S.....In 8 years at sea, the only time I ever got sea-sick was trying to fuck a passenger on that goddamn lazy susan!

Want more of Tony? I do! Get your Tony fix and more hot pictures and info at-
Tony Tripoli .com-

Check out Fashion House Weeknights on MY Network TV—

Monday, September 25, 2006

My New Crush
Dylan Walsh

Ny new crush....I don't know but this mans looks and demeanor just make me crazy! Kinda reminds me of Ryan O Neil....Last night he showed off some nice ass! I hope to see those are capped soon!


So our weekends are now finished off by watching Sunday Nights episodes of the new season of Nip/Tuck. Jeff and I are officially addicted...Season 4 (now 3 episodes old) has not disappointed with lots of action...Buzz is alot of male nudity this season --well we havent watched it before this season but we like....

We have gotten to see Julian McMahon's butt many times and Thad Lukinbils ass last week--then last night we got to see
Mario Lopez's butt! Holy smokes! And his butt and body did not disappoint! But my favorite was Dylan Walsh last night when we were treated to him while he was making love....OMG!!! I have a new heart throb! I could not find a post on his nice ASSetts yet on the web--hopefully someone capped it for us soon!


This Sunday we are going to see Wicked at the Paramount in Seattle! I am so excited I am close to busting at the seams! Broadway musicals does that sort of thing to me...We had many get-together’s over the weekend while Craig and Kevin were in town--and so also had the opportunity to visit with many of our old freinds from the old high school days….One dear friend I had in school “Kelly” now has a daughter named Sadie—I was really impressed with meeting this 13 year old and had a few conversations with her throughout the evening…Later in the night we both found out that we are going to see Wicked on the same night! We both jumped for joy and screamed when we found out! She is so very cute and advised me that she is going to listen to the soundtrack all week in anticipation to Sundays show cute.....I gave her the Wicked book I have and she was hugging it all evening----Her big dream is to one day be a Broadway star! I simply love that! Im sure her big dream will come true.....I love it when I see a youngster with stars in thier eyes!....I can't wait to see Sadie and Kelly on Sunday—I promised I would call them so we can hook up in the lobby of the theater and gush, scream and jump around together like crazy people! Jeff and I had forgotten we even had tickets! Our "main gay" gal pals Val and Starla got it for us last Christmas! What a treat indeed!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Well this is a public service anouncement--well with out the buzzing noise- actually some of you you may hear the buzzing noise as you are buzzed off that last toke of ganjarella or shot of tequilla you just took a swig of you lush puppys.

Adventures of a RAD ASS HOMO will be on vacation for a few days...I wont have time to blog and bring you my lame gossip, thoughts and most importantly the hot to trot beef cake I provide for you boys to get your boners going so you can punch the munchkin and you girls going so you can get those god awful screaming thigh sweats...Moan moan.....yikes!

On another note-- I have a secret person that will be doing a Q and A next week on my blog--its my very first one and its very exciting-- I will say he is quite a looker and a VERY handosme fellow that happens to be on one of the hottest shows on the tube right now!!! So stay tuned for that!

Hopefully I will be back by early next week sometime!!! Aloha !!!

Boys Weekend...

So my best bud is in town from Arizona today through the weekend with his hubby Kevin--they are both dear fellows and Jeff and I cant wait to see them-- we had such a great time with them in July...We are going to have a these gaggle of gays are going to have a gaggle of fun! So its boys weekend sarting today... Im off work (on leave from the dreaded prison life) till Monday!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Beauty and her Beasts...

My honey and I with Kandis on New Years 06--hard to believe we are now upon 2007! Came across this as I clean up my files....Speaking of Kandizzle--where are you girl! We miss you..I know we missed last Fridays cocktail party! Hope to see you soon and Im not calling your breast the beast--well maybe I should! LOL!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006


So Jeff and I watched Nip Tuck for the first time last night and enjoyed it...ALOT! Looks like another show to add to our long list of addictions..So far nothing on Sunday nights so we thought we would give it a shot--it was perfect!!! We were treated to some nice ass last night for sure---its all over the blogs today--how funny! Thad was playing a gay-for-pay hottie on this week's episode... Things got very tense when he made a play for (bicurious?) Dr. Christian Troy ... Gosh ...looks like this seasons going to be full of male hotness!! Im sure you have seen the Mario Lopez pics comming up in a episode later this season in that shower scene ...Im excited to get hooked on this show and it should be easy---that's a given!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Tom Cruise and His Buddy BIG RED this is old news that freak boy Tom Cruise is a known homosexual... and for those that didn't even know he was rumored to be gay in the first place....please pick up the clue phone as it has beeen ringing for a long time.....In any event ....I dont think we gays want to even have him anyhow...

So to those certain people who flinch and raise your stupid ass eyebrows at my wild accusations and such and think “oh, you just think everyone is gay,” I can finally point to some evidence that, at the very least, there are others who think Cruise is a big faggott!
Along with Jason Preistley, Antonio Bandares, Garth Brooks, Randy Travis, and Andrea Boccelli.

Hollywood insider Paul Barresi has wriiten a tell-all book profiling Anthony Pellicano, the infamous Hollywood P.I. In the first chapter, which has been exclusively released on Hollywood Interrupted, Barresi recounts the story of a young porn star and escort named Big Red. So Red reveals that he has had sexual encounters with a number of male celebrities, most notably Tom Cruise.

Ok so I have to say this Big Red and his story may not be true, but what the hay---He even mentions the others and I dont know about you.... but Garth or Andrea isnt somethng to brag about....icky!! But that makes this story more belieable in a way...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Mark Walberg

What a hunk of burning love--I get good vibrations thinking of him being in my basement tied up screaming like this! He sure has come a long way from the Marky Mark Underwear days--He and Antonio in Calvins.. Gosh those bring up some memories! He is currently having success with the box office right now staring in the movie Invincible-- which was inspired by the true story of Vince Papale, a down-on-his-luck teacher and part-time bartender that lives every fan's fantasy of moving from the stands to the field when he makes it onto his hometown's professional football team during an open tryout. Its doing well with all the footballer fans...Im in the mood to play captive slave...time to go.....
The New Sectional

So Jeff and I get a new sectional sofa this weekend for the living room or as my family always called it the parlor. It was suppose to arrive in 6-8 weeks but it arrived in an early 3 weeks... so I have a big weekend ahead of rearranging the pad...It the very sofa in this picture--- its a white/cream color and we love it!!! Sadly some of our friends wont be allowed on it as some of them are bunch of boar hogs if you know what I mean-- just kidding!!! I will have some lightweight body suits to put on just like the booties they bring or slip on when we get visitors at the abode--as no shoes are allowed on in our home! Its the whole being brought up in Hawaii thing as no shoes are allowed in our home just like the Japanese...Shit I bet you can eat off the floors at our home ! Its all a blame for our mothers! My mom was a neat freak cleanaholic too! But I like the policy..Our home is alot cleaner and smells nice all the time! As a matter of fact my dear mother was with us at Costco Home when we bought this 3 weeks ago......It was a choice of tan khaki, red tomato or green olive and then this white putty one..Mom, I and Jeff all said at the same time--the white one!! It will make our living room pop I hope and I will have to post it once bust a move this weekend and figure out how the hell I plan to arrange my parlor....Its going to be so regal West Elm!!! Loves its....The Costco Home store is pretty cool and the price was right too! I hope the movers look like my boy Colin too!

Happy Belated 33 Birthday Paul Walker

September 12, 1973

Paul-- Sorry I missed your special day the other day .....busy as heck here....Hope you had a great day and best wishes to you always good looking!

Major xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Your Friend, Stalker and whatever else you may want me to be to you..


My Other BF Colin Farrell

Something about this guy..he makes me happy...I think its just that he seems like a normal bloke...Saw this and thought what a normal pic of a normal guy and this is hot....I think I have posted more pics of Colin then any other man on this blog...hmmmm....

Love him!!! And with the news that Alexander is being released as it should with all the scenes deleted makes me happy too!!!
Robert Buckley

Found Him!!--The Photograher on Fashion House that I like so much-- last night he got busy with Nikki...lucky gal!.....Nothing online that I could find on him...what a pain....infact this is only picture and hes looks kinda funny in it....I am sure that like most of the boys Jeff , I and the rest of the gay communty start up a buzz about---as we always pick em first and early--Lets just be bolds and say it like it is as we gay men have a good sense of what hot and usually pick out everything eventually and then the rest of the straight mainstream worlds sheep will come to like and find cool --- whether its men, women,music fashion, food, clothing, travel .......oh hell everything...we pick it out first and then they follow........well enough of that.......its just a matter of time before he gets popular and we get lots of stuff online on him ...I think once he shows some skin on Fashion House that ball will start rolling even faster...

Robert Buckley "Michael"
Robert Buckley portrays successful photographer Michael in “Fashion House.” Michael lived his life like a vagabond and has never really been interested in settling down, although he is intrigued by Nikki’s (Nicole Pulliam) tough attitude.
A Southern California native, Buckley earned an Economics degree from the University of California at San Diego. He spent a year and a half working as an Economic Consultant before moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in entertainment. Buckley has appeared in numerous independent films, including “When a Killer Calls,” “Teenage Drama,” “Petrified” and “Robot Battle.”
Buckley currently resides in Los Angeles. In his free time, he enjoys writing and

Pull That Turd Out Bobby!

The once lovely and beautiful now crack whore Whitney Houston has supposedly filed for divorce from her deadbeat husband my provoative, Bobby Brown. I have to ask this question who is going to pull the stuck turds out of her ass now that Bobby is being canned? (AP)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Men of Dancing with the STARS!!!

Good- Joey Lawrence--Whoa! He looks strange--good dancer but kinda like a robot... something about him turns me off-- I don't know what it is..Can I trade up to a better and cuter Lawrence brother please? This one gives me the creeps....

Better- Harry Hamlin- What a stiff dancer! He need to shake it up a bit...what a looker though! Nothing like a good looking gentleman--doesn't his wife Lisa Rinna have something she can do to get this mans hips to move better and loosen him up? I bet I could if given the chance-ha! .Remember him form Making Love with Kate Jackson? LOVED HIM....hes still such a good looking hunk.. I like it that he a stiffy though!

Best- Mario Lopez- Va va va VOOM---So I am a major blonde boy lover--though I have had my fair share of other man hunks...this Latino is hot hot hot--what makes him hotter is when he speaks---This boy is so sweet and so friken cute and man can he moves like no ones business--I love a man that can move like this! JUST IMAGINE the possibilities!

I Love this you need to watch it too...Whats not to love when you watch these fellas that can drop it like is hot...drop it like its hot.....

Shout out to Vivican Fox too!!! Hey girl!!! LOVES IT!!!

Ahoy Mates!
Speaking of Stiffys

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Angora Wabbitt

So I have never seen a Angora rabbit--OMG!!! Goggle Angora Rabbit and get all kinds of this and that.....Lots of cute ones...This particular Angora reminds me of someone and I cant say who..LOL!!! I think its the hair...We had 2 wabbitts growing up --Whitey and Blackie--Whitey must of been like 25 pounds ...all our crazy Hawaiian and Portuguese relatives wanted to take them and make them into rabbit stew---the heartless bastards!--they were my sisters and I's pets so I hated when they said that anyhow they used to run around the yard and eat grass and weeds and they never ran off and we didnt have a fence or anything ..they were nice and liked us....Well I think my uncle Sonny got them and did indeed eat them though my parents never told us when we moved to Seattle---I hate the thought of that .....Hmm....I would like to have a wabbitt again ..not sure an Angora one.... but I think I would like to live on a farm too with chickens and roosters and horses and pigs and and and,,can I also have some smoking hot farm hands too please please! Hey Caleb..I need you in the barn to help me out for a sec......

Monday, September 11, 2006

Taylor Kinney

Have you been able to check out "Fashion House" on the new MyNetwork? Stud Taylor Kinney is one good looking dude and seems like such a nice guy too! I happen to have a little crush on his best friend on the show--- the photographer--- but he isnt listed as a cast member yet and I cant find out who he is ....his name!.... ..hes a hottie too! I hope I can keep up with ths show now that the new shows are in full force this week! One gripe I have about this show and the other at 8pm ---Desire----is that they do major recaps ALOT of them..... I think 30 minutes of each show is recaps and least if you miss 5 episodes you can catch right back up in one with all the flashbacks they do! LOL.

9/11 's Anniversary

I can only hope that times have really changed for the better since this day 5 years ago...Watched all the specials on the tele last night and it made me sad....Im not sure it has changed but I know in my heart that most of us hope and pray it has ...and if not I sure hope it does one day soon for all of mankind and our future generations ......My thoughts and prayers are with those today that was directly affected by 9/11 as well as the rest of us..... as I truly believe we all have been somehow affected and touched by the turn of events that took place 5 years ago on 9/11.

Anna Nicole Smith's son Daniel Snith Dies


ReutersMonday, September 11, 2006; 6:54 AM
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The 20-year-old son of Anna Nicole Smith died suddenly in the Bahamas on Sunday, three days after the former Playboy Playmate gave birth to a girl, Smith's attorney said.
A statement from Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole Smith's attorney, did not provide any details of Daniel Smith's death, and he declined to comment when contacted by Reuters."We have yet to learn the cause of death but do not believe that drugs or alcohol were a factor," Stern said in the statement. "Anna Nicole is absolutely devastated by the loss of her son. He was her pride and joy and an amazing human being."
Daniel Smith was in the Caribbean nation where his mother, 38, gave birth to a healthy girl on Thursday, Stern said.Smith has not said who fathered her second child.

This is really really sad! So cute and so young...this breaks my heart. It is so strange!

David Bromstad
Design Stars New Winner

Kudos and Congrats to Cute and Out David Bromstad--Jeff and I watched it when we could and David was the best and I know he will do well with his new show! Way to go!!

Suri Cruise

So what is your take on this whole Suri Cruise zoo? All I know I that Suri is such a major cutie pie—She’s so very darling and looks great in her VF spread no?

So many questions and theories-- It gives me a headache! The bump watch was strange, The whole wait to see her was strange, How Suri now looks like Katie’s Ex Chris Klein and on and on …..I don’t know what to think—I do think however that Tom shoots blanks.... always has and if he even shoots into women that would surprise me as well…Hollywood is full of shams and cover ups and lets face it—who knows what the real story is here----this whole thing has been twisted and turned so many times…..Just like crazy twisted Tom Cruise. Thats HOLLYWOOD!

I just hope this little girl comes out ok….Shes a looker

John Travolta....

The guy who cut a rug in Grease and Saturday Night Fever is back in Hairspray....

"John Travolta is our generation's greatest musical star," says Hairspray producer Neil Meron. "With those two movies, he became an icon of movie musicals.

Here is John Travolta dressed up as Edna Turnblad in the new film adaptation of the musical "Hairspray".

John has sure changed his looks over and over through the years-- I will always support JT...Hes a keeper...Grease is the word....

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Mommy and Me

Mom you're like a angel sent from up above, with all your kindness, tenderness and everlasting love. You always make sure to look after me and teach me right from wrong, and when I'm down or worried it's always you that helps me along. You're not just a mom but a good friend and that is very special- It makes me smile wide when we share such good times together.. ...I enjoy your company more and more and look forward to the next and so I thank you Mom for being you as your simply the best!

Labor Day- Long Beach and the Latch Hook

So we had a good time in Long Beach last weekend…It was nice to get away and celebrate Jeff’s B day and the last hurrah of summer at the coast with some good friends….I think my mom and dad had a great time and in all the weather was nice—It was hotter than a demons ass the first few days and in fact the hottest I have ever encountered at the beach in Washington and then some nice cool and gray days cooled us down and it was nice to get our sweaters and sweats on to keep warm and bundle up! We haven’t had to do that in quite sometime this summer in Seattle this year with this heat and sun. We ate way to much and drank like normal—a lot! Enjoyed each others company and like my dad said as we headed out on Monday. I wish we could stay longer….So cute! It would be nice to stay a week and just chill that’s for sure.

So I took along a latch hook rug kit which was fun as it kept me busy and most importantly kept me from smoking! I quit the dirty habit a few weeks ago (this Sunday will make 3 weeks! WHOO HOO!!) I thought it might be a challenge to drink and not smoke this last weekend—but it went really well and that latch hook was a life saver as it kept me busy with the hands! It was really funny as I haven’t done one since I was a kid with my mom and we both remembered doing one that had 2 owls on a branch—it was off white with brown tones, we actually hung that sucker on our living room wall! Yikes! So There was a little bit of a line to latch hook this weekend as Mom-Jeff and I all took our turns…Fun times…..We found out later that Val also did a latch hook owl as well back in the 80’s! Her family was a little more fancy with the latch hooking and wooden eyes sewn on the owls---oh la la! It also hung on her family’s living room wall and I swear Val kept it and now has it on her bedroom wall—I always wondered what that shaggy thing was on her bedroom wall--But you know lesbians there bedrooms are sacred and your not allowed in—much like there bathrooms but if they have only one they have no choice but to let you in but you better be neat! This lesbian bathroom thing is a whole other post and blog so back to the latch hook….Later, another sweetie named Karissa that joined our clan for the weekend from Portland had also done a latch hook with her mom in Costa Rica that was OWLS! They did one with oranges and reds yarns —she believes her mom still has it hanging at their home too! She asked to have a c ahcnce to latch hook too! So dang funny!!! So did they only make latch hooks kits with owls in the 70’s and 80’s? In any event it was a lot of fun and I am glad I did a project…BTW, my latch hook is a rainbow with a smile face….I only have about 6 more rows till it is done and I will take a picture of it and post it when it is over…. We went into town to find another one for my mom at Joann’s Fabrics on Sunday ( She wanted her own ) same place I bought the one I had—but this store was in Astoria Oregon –the sales girl said—“oh they don’t make those anymore I don’t think they have those since the 70’s!!!” What a goober—I had to tell her I bought the one I had in Washington. In any event Latch Hook rug kits are cool man and are coming back! LOL! Next on my list is to crochet! So everyone’s getting booties and hats for Christmas!

Speaking of the 70’s—Jeff and I came across some crochet beer can hats---I wish we bought them…They were pretty comfortable and fun…Remember those? I do remember my Granny back in Hawaii getting me one with Primo Hawaiian Beer Cans on it…I wish I kept that—it would be a collectors item now. Well all this 70’s and 80’s talk is making me feel old... I guess it doesn’t help that my parents call themselves seniors now….That itself makes me feel old too…Maybe that is why I have quit smoking and last night pumped up my old 10 speed bike… I think I will be going on a bike ride this weekend…..So be on the lookout for me--riding along with a crochet beer cap on cruising on my ten speed… Righteous man!

Mom and I and the LATCH HOOK!

Dad BBQ Master

Peter Karissa and QT

The Girls and JUKU

Jeff and I in our Beer Can Crochet Hats

Mom, Starla, Juku and I

QT and I

Jake Gyllenhaal Clean Cut Look......

I know another pic of Jake on another original....but he really is my favorite cowboy and though I like a scruffy man at times-- I Like me a clean cut boy too....Jake is one that looks very nice cleaned up and fresh. Just like a boy to take home to mama...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Words Worst Beards!

On Out com...Loves it

Who would make the world’s worst beard?
We know there are marriages of convenience—especially in Hollywood where the closet looms large. So we want to know which famous woman you think would make (or has made) the world’s worst beard.

Results for the question:
Who would make (or has made!) the world’s worst beard?
Liz Taylor7.5%Carrie Fisher1.1%Kathy Griffin9.2%Liza Minnelli44.6%Diane von Furstenberg3.6%Margaret Cho11.0%Nicole Kidman18.4%Cary Grant4.7%