I am sad, down, in a cloud, happy, confused, relieved but most of all exhausted.... 12pm Friday ...I got the call from a friend that works at Valley Medical hospital. Message was
Your mom had coded and your dad wanted me to call you to let you know he needs you!!!I hung up and hubby and I rushed to the hospital and made it from downtown Seattle to Valley Hospital in 15 minutes--it should of taken us about 30 minutes or more.....I know we traveled
way over the speed limit ......but to be honest I don't remember the car ride at all.......Upon arrival into the emergency room we found out that mom had been in to do a CT Scan that
moring and while there she suffered cardiac arrest and she was now in emergency....I was able to stay with her while in the emergency room ....Thank god we know the hospital staff and such as I was able to be in the room with her ( My mom was lead of the radiology department at this hospital --before her cancer). The experience was
so surreal.......She had suffered a
Flash Pulmonary Edema. She was in Emergency for about 4-5 hours.....Her heart never stopped but they did have to shock her once to bring her heart rate up. Its strange as I look back now and it seems like it was about 1 or 2 hours at the most in my mind... They were able to stabilize her after 4 hours in the emergency room and and she was placed on life support..... She was then put into ICU.....They told us at that point it was up to her..... God, she had been through so much! They told us she would or could
maybe wake up in a day-or a few days--or a week--- or never..... and we should be prepared for a few scenarios. The Chaplin came....We were all a mess....I really expected her to pull through but maybe in a day was my hope.....As I knew she is strong ...but I was also preparing myself if she decided to not wake and let go and leave us...I would understand.......Well mom......my very strong mother......got up at 900pm that very night and by Saturday afternoon she was off life support and breathing on her own with just oxygen and she has now got out of ICU and is now in post ICU!
She is getting a little stronger everyday and we are thankful that we get to have her for more time. I felt if wasn't her time just yet anyhow. Not this way... it isn't her plan....
Saturday she had many visitors as word got out that she was in the hospital.....She had so many people stop in and see her....Hospital kept commenting and could not believe how many people came by.....My parents are very active in the Hawaiian communities here so they have a ton of friends....Many came with flowers and leis and lots of food .....I ate well this weekend that's for sure....then on Saturday afternoon they did a Hawaiian Jam or
kanikapila as we call it in her ICU room and this brought up her and many of our spirits up---Lots of tears,smiles,singing and laughter went on .....The hospital has been super for the most part-- except for a few sour apples who need new professions and so many have asked if the musicians will be back everyday since...We didn't realize at the time that in ICU the camera was catching the whole "Hawaiian Concert" and every nurse station was watching it while they sang... Everyone keeps talking about the Luau that went on Saturday in ICU...
My post will be brief for while....I am exhausted....I have so much to catch up on.... but most importantly I need to take care of my mom-myself and my
ohana at this time......Be back soon.... Love, Prayers and Aloha to you at this time.