Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Whats going on?

So I have been busy as heck...Haven't had the time to blog and its a sad thing..notice I am getting a nice amount of visitors to my blog which is really cool and exciting...

Hey if you visit.... make sure to add yourself to the frapper map...so far I only have 2...how sad- boo hoo hoo...anyhow if you like what I say or don't please comment on my daily whines, jibber jabber and such... at least comment on the cute guys...Where are my gay peeps? ha ha... But seriously it would be nice to hear from some of you whether its positive or negative--all comments are welcomed!

Jeff and I are so busys with our jobs right now--its like our hairs on fire just so dang busy thats its insane...I promise to try to keep up and at least post some interesting stuff and of course some cute men in between this craziness.......

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