Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Army Twink

Ok so I haven't really posted a twink before so this is a first---Unless you count the pics of Jeff or myself! Ha... we wish...Anyhow sometimes I think of what it would of been like to go into the arm services when I was a young lad--I bet I would of loved it--not only because of the boys but because I needed it...Its strange as I look back on how much I wanted to go into the navy and also an all boys high school and college--part of it was most likely due to my sexuality but more importantly I think I needed it. I really needed some male influences in my life as I was pretty much raised by a flurry of women--mom, granny,sisters and aunts....I didn't really feel comfortable around guys till my late 20's after I had met someone that made me comfortable with who I am and thus made me comfortable with men....

I came out when I was 18 in 1984---I didn't even know when I stepped into my first club ( The monastery in Seattle) that gay people existed!!! I just thought I was one of very few broken people and I was 18 years old!!! I then found my nitch in the world and threw myself into the gay ghetto. It was lots of sex, good drugs and disco--I had alot of friends and one in particular made sure to keep me in line and made sure that I did not slut around. I will never forget how he said we were special and that we did not want a bad rep with the scene. If we were to be loose--it should be with discretion---Though I wanted to fool around and sleep around like crazy and I gave in on occasion, I really did try to be a good boy and made sure to protect our golden boy image. At that time I didn't think it was right and it made me fell like I thought we were better than the rest--How bitchy! But this was when Aids had just hit--it didn't even have a name yet in those days ---infact at that time the rumor was that poppers were the reason everyone was getting sick..So we gave up poppers and kept on taking the MDA and snorting crystal and eating mushrooms----Needless to say I ended up going through the early stages of this epidemic-- saw what it did to our community through the years and thus watched way to many of my friends and family pass away from it...So I swear I avoided HIV in the early years due to this protecting of my image--

I still have a few good buds from those early years and it seems like yesterday when we go back and remember those early times.... Im just glad we lived through it all and made it out in one piece-- With all those drugs and such....But I do know this-- I would not trade it for the world---I love that I had the tail end of a Studio 54 life.....We had our own world back then guys--That has changed alot as society has changed alot. Only regret is I never got to be a army twink...


  1. I had a very similar path (and just a few miles north!) but chose instead to join the military, and come out later. It was much more easy, I think. Though, without the drugs. I didn't even try poppers for the first five years or so, not because I was afraid of HIV, but because i was afraid they'd show up in a random drug test.

    Funny. It was happening about the same time as yours.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I remember these days as too well! The 80s were fun and boy has time changed...great blog and fun..went through it today and enjoyed it! xoxoxo Cheers!!!
