Wednesday, May 31, 2006

BRANDON ROUTH--Supermans Bulge and the movie here it comes!

So how adorable is Brandon Routh? First all the bru ha ha over his bulge and how it was digitally enhanced as it was too big for his tights!!! I got alot of hits on this site the first time I mentioned the BULGE....Lots of traffic on that so lots of people was all over the bulge story!!! Your horny bastards!!!---I do love all the Superman movies and I think he is the best one yet---Looks like this movie and The Devil Wears Prada is going to be my pics for this summer...He is one handsome fellow and I cant get enough of a man in a costume....I think our buddy Scott would make a good Superman...I think he should dress up as the man of steel for Halloween this year! Hint hint! His pic is below.....Followed by some pics of the movie with Brandon....

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