Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My first real crush!! Boy this was my teenage crush if there ever was one--- One could argue that the ill-fated model, Jon Erik Hexum, was one of the most beautiful men ever to pose for the camera, and despite his early and tragic demise, he certainly posed a lot, and so there's no shortage of beautiful photos of this very sexy guy. I and my best buddy Craig was heartbroken when he died--There was just something about him--not many men do that..Nowadays thanks to the GAYS we have many good looking boys and men are all over the place in the media through a number of resources including this blog---But back in the 80's this was a accomplishment to be as big as he was ....I loved Jon Erik and here is his my post to him and im quite surprised I haven't done it sooner... He will be a timeless stud 4 ever!!!


  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    I was fortunate enough to meet Jon just before he died. It was on 2 October 1984, in New York City when he was the guest on FIVE AT FIVE at NBC in Rockefeller Center. At that time I was photographer Jay Grant's assistant, and went along to help carry heavy equipment up the rather long flight of stairs at the center. While I was carrying a very heavy carrybag containing overhead lights up the steps, a gent - who was on his way down - offered to help me, as he could see I was clearly struggling. Turns out the gent in question was none other than Jon Erik Hexum, who was rushing downstairs to take a telephone call prior to the interview…

    We spoke very briefly - I told him my favourite show on telly was ‘Cover Up’, I think (it was a while ago, you understand, so I cannot really remember exactly what I said) - to which he smiled that million dollar grin and thanked me, and then excused himself so he could take the phone call. I just stood there, my mouth wide open like some kind of zombie or something like that, drooling. As a young gay man in the eighties, Jon Erik was the object of my deepest desires...

    Needless to say, when I heard on the evening news on 18 October 1984 that he had died as a result of head injuries, I emmediatly thought of that charming, gorgeous hunk with eyes like sparkling sapphires I had met on the stairwell that evening who was kind enough to help me with that damn bag while others simply passed by. It felt as if someone I had known intimately had just died. I was devastated...

    Yes, even to this day I still remember his face that evening as clear as if it were yesterday, and I am still filled with sorrow when I think that someone with such promise is gone forever, taken by the most stupid of mistakes. A real tragedy, and a terrible waste of such a hunk indeed…

    The well-known axiom “Only the beautiful die young” could easily have referred to Jon Eric Hexum.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WHAT A HUNK INDEED!!!!
