Thursday, May 25, 2006

TODAYS PIC of the DAY!!!

I leave you with crazy VAL..this is what she will look like all weekend as we drink ourselves to death ...She is my partner in shopping , gossip and most fun of all duet singing--we do a mean duet of the songs --Islands in the Stream and Suddenly--Invite us to your party and we will be glad to sing for you....

Though I think in this picture our good buddy QT (that just got off a cruise this last Sunday--LUCKY !!) is doing something to her to make her look like this ---that the pics just doesn't capture---Hmmm....things that make you go hmmmmm.....

I think this is one of those great contest pics---you know... you name the caption that goes...any suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Yoo both can sing at my party anytime!
