Monday, July 17, 2006

JUSTIN Timberlake
And his Trousersnake......,,1818048,00.html

So I love Justin Timberlake and his trousersnake!!!...Even more after yesterdays interview in the observer..Here are some good quotes and snippets from a rather long but super interview..Lots of info on him his new album FutureSex: LoveSounds

Box-fresh in William Rast (his own label) jeans, bright white trainers, a checked shirt, and white Abercrombie & Fitch boxers - the band of which he reveals every time he stands up, needled by an awkward subject - he is certainly handsome and well-sculpted. And, sigh, yes, the 'Trousersnake' is pretty sexy.

Funny, then, that Timberlake is apparently comfortable with a subject like drugs - if not rather enthusiastic. When asked if he'd ever want to be president of the United States - 'I've done way too many drugs already,' he responds, without missing a beat. 'I've already inhaled and I've already...who knows. I don't know if I want that responsibility.' So what's he done? 'I fear that if I said that, I'd fuel the fire, so forgive me,' he says. 'I'm just like everyone else, I get completely plastered, I've done my fair share of drugs and I've been caught places with my pants down

'If Courtney Love shows up to a function, then it's like, "Oh that's Courtney Love." If I show up drunk, it's like, "Oh my GOD!" And, like, Britney's an unfit mother because she put her child in the car-seat backwards,' he says, referring to the latest media storm in America in which his former girlfriend was heavily criticised. 'I feel bad for her,' he says. 'We all make mistakes. We all came from the same school, with Christina, myself, Britney. Even when Christina came out with her last record everyone was so shocked. "She's so sexual" - it's like, she's a grown woman! If Madonna had done it, no one would have cared. Madonna's shocking people now because she's so religious. She's burnt crosses and grabbed her crotch. I think that because I don't particularly show my ass everywhere... I don't aspire to that. I'd rather people get naked to my music.'


  1. Is that the head of his whizzwhang peeking out from behind where his two arms cross near the wrists? I sure does look like it. I typically hate him, but I would do him, based on this picture. If he'd keep the voice down and the dick up. ;)


  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I like it! Good job. Go on.
