Monday, July 31, 2006

Lance and Rienchen DIRT

Rocky Love Between Lance and Riechen?Last week Lance Bass came out of the closet professing his homosexuality (an open secret for some years now in Tinseltown) and “very stable” relationship with reality show star Reichen Lehmkuhl. While we’re so proud of Lance for making the leap, the phrase “very stable” and “reality show star” don’t always go hand-in-hand. Now it seems, before they’ve even had a chance to make a public appearance together as a couple, our newest gay power pair appears to be on the verge of a break-up. Page Six is airing some dirty laundry. “Friends of Bass say he’s sick of Lehmkuhl’s controlling ways. Reichen forced Lance to come out just at the same time he has a book coming out [Here’s What We’ll Say] so he could ride the publicity wave,” said the paper’s spy source. “He is a big gay activist and very controlling. He wants Lance to give up his straight friends and do whatever he tells him to.” When asked about the rift, Bass’s reps said, rather predictably and obtusely, “Lance couldn’t be happier with the overwhelming reaction he’s getting from all over the world.” Cute pic of Controlling Riechen soon--my pcs on the blink...


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