Friday, July 21, 2006


So Happy Friday bitches! Its going to be a hot one in the Pacific Northwest--- I think we may break the record in Seattle!!!--I bet we will climb above the benchmark record of 94 degrees both today and tomorrow. Thank god I love the heat!!! It really wont bother Jeff and I much as we are island boys. We like it hot.....Yes we do....The only thing I am worried about is my plants-- I should of moved them yesterday into shady spots so to protect them from this heatwave. When I get home today I will have to see how they did, I hope they do ok...Im a bit worried about them...They may fry a bit......Hope you make it my lovely flowers...God I am so GAY!! Other then that tragedy bring it on Mother Nature! Its going to be funny and predictable.. I see it now on the news-- TOP STORY.. Seattle Heatwave Summer 06...then the top stories will go something like this-

1 We will have to listen to all the people suffering due to this heat--how it affects them--you know the same old complainers the elderly, old , poor ,fat etc..

2 How water,fans and air conditioners are selling like hotcakes! There may be some newsperson that will get lucky and get some fight for the last fan at Walmart. "Hey bitch that was my fan"- no it isn't-- I saw it first..Slap!

3 How many have drowned in lakes, streams and rivers this weekend as they try to keep cool... Dumbasses should learn how to swim.. This area is full of dry landers..You would think with all the water? Anyhow my advice-just go under a hose in the yard!

4 How to keep cool..Drink water, stay in the shade..keep animals in, My advice-- Strip naked and have someone rub ice in all the right places.. eg: Give your loved one a blowjob with ice...Or for you clam lovers--A nice seafood buffet with ice too..

So with this heat we get lucky and get lots of skin--good and bad--lets not even go there with the I will be out and about this weekend for sure to look for the good and make fun of the bad...I just hope all the boys in the area strip down to skivies like this fella so we can get shots like this --- This is Alan Richson...You may remember him from the first season of American Idol-- He was the first seasons Boy Candy---He is popping up here and there...he played Aquaman on Smallville and Im not sure where this shot came from but I like a lot.....Im not sure I want to see many other AI kiddums in hes a keeper...

Speaking of Boy Candy--Are any of you sad that Dimitri was voted off last night So You Think You Can Dance? He was a little too Disco Danny for me, but I enjoyed him.. I think he had that certain something, maybe it was that Russian accent? "Yes Dimitri you need to suck it like this--all us American boys do it"... Just kidding! Enough of my Russian boy fantasy's.... I am hoping Travis gets the boy title... I know its going to be against Travis and Benji...All you bearded clams out there can have your Benji ( I smell a new Clay Aiken frenzy with bearded clams adolescence girls screaming their lungs out) . I think the new Clay Aiken has spawned...Then we will have all the gay conspiracies and the cum rag will resurface in the media spotlight yet again...


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