Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Arrested and Frisked!!!

So I had this dream last night that I was arrested. I was the bad guy and though I wont go into details lets just say I wasnt very nice to some houseguest we had in our home and then the cops came to my house and then I woke up....

Now I know this is most likely a dream due to my frustrations with currently having houseguest for 2 weeks--but wow!!!-- the dream was one of those real ones...You know the ones that you think its reality until you wake up....

Well now that I am in reality- I would like to add on to the dream---
After the fuzz arrived I was handcuffed and frisked by these handsome cops....then hauled off to the slammer!-- Notice I am smiling in the pic?
I think I need to get arrested!!! Sounds like a good time!!!

I used to have many cop dreams and this was all due to my dad being a cop growing up...All his fellow officer friends were my Uncles (as in Hawaii any older man is your uncle and lady friends, neighbors etc is your auntie) --so it was nice to be surrounded by such studs growing up. One man in particular was my first-- I was 15--he was 20 something and we had just moved to Seattle from Hawaii---My dad was with HPD in Hawaii and then went through the academy to become a Seattle cop when we moved to Seattle. One of his fellow academy mates was my very first crush and alot more-well you know I mean ..Now thats a true life scandal! A hot one too-at least for me!!


  1. Wow, handsome studly guys at the Police Academy? Super hot. Details, please. We want details.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    More details!!!!
