Thursday, August 17, 2006

Benji Schwimmer- Winner!

So my boy Travis Wall didn't make it ---boo hoo--sniff sniff-- but that's ok..even though I think he would of made a better fit for Celine Dions show for sure! I think Earth Mama Mia would feel the same too---So after watching last nights show-- which I enjoyed ALOT..I have come to a few conclusions---

If I had to choose between Benji and Travis as buds cough cough etc-- I bet Benji would be nicer and better than Travis--MUCH nicer--Travis seems like he would be one of those bitchy queens--but maybe not...Just an observation. I liked it better when Travis thought his ass was grass a few weeks ago....

What was up with the eyebrows Ben? I was going to call you "Brows Ben"--but I still think you are a very nice looking chap and I love it that you cry...bonus to see and a TURN ON!! I know I am strange...but I like me a emotional man.

What was up with the same audience members on camera all night long-- That hot guy in the white shirt and that crazy bubble eyed blonde chick next to him in green I think? Jeff thinks the guy in the white shirt is Travis's boy toy...Hmmmm? Could be...

It was fun to see the WORLD is becoming dance crazy. Was it Israel that has a drag queen as host--watch out Cat someone's after your job....

Cat had some heavy eye makeup on-- va va va voom.. It seems everyone had heavy makeup eye wear and new hair color--what fag came in and thought how fabulous to do this?

How tight were the judges as they were squeezed in to that table? Ratings are up so lets hope they expand the budget so the judges have more area....that was funny.

Cierra and Fergie rocked big time...Both were good no?Good performances but I think Cierra lipsinched this time as compared to the other time she was on the show --it was better last time.

Drag Queen Travis will make it far--but at 18--lets hope he stays on track...I suggest for him to make sure to stay under that big fag hag fruit flys Mia's wings....She will treat him well.....

God I am so GAY-- I loved this show and will miss it If anyone wants to take me with them to the Seattle show ....Im VERY free that evening...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I am glad Ben got it--hes a nice lad....
