Thursday, August 17, 2006

GAYS in Church-

Im going to make this brief--Why is it when I WAS a nice church boy that I had more meetings with men than when I was not in church?-- Have you noticed that church is full of boys who want to play...and play well I might add....all hiding behind the religion shield...crazy crazy world we live in I tell you... I just don't understand it can get more action at your local church as much as the bathroom at a truck stop..So for all those liberal right wing messages I will get for saying this---Go Piss off. Me no like you anyway! Please don't leave me messages or e mails because I don't care what you think-your all full of it---and it isn't good....


  1. I was one of those church boys for a long time. And you're right, the action is hot and heavy between the pews. Especially if you get into the church choir set. Church boy tastes sweet. Me likee.

  2. yes true....I havent been with a church boy yet I didnt like thats for sure!
