Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Ok ---So its no joke how much I adore Travis and I want him to win tonite--Well since I starting posting about Travis-Ivan and Benji -I have had many hits.. Most from other fags that love Travis like me--woo hoo!..... and of course the young bearded clams that have the screaming thigh sweats for these fellas---ick!!! I hate young screaming girls....Cant they just move on to young cool chicks and skip that icky squeeling part? Anyhow......

At first it was hard to find info on them but now there is a fire storm and Travis is leading the fire heat---So I got these new photos sent to me today of Travis in DRAG!!! I bet he wished these were still hidden and had not surfaced yet--OMG!

Well at least he has a nice plump ass in the one---NICE!!!!! but all in all he is having alot of fun in them so who cares! He sure did alot of costume changes though??? Hmmm....I have done drag twice in my life and I hope those damm pictures have been burned for good!

So Go Cute Drag Queen Travis Go!!!

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