Friday, September 08, 2006

Labor Day- Long Beach and the Latch Hook

So we had a good time in Long Beach last weekend…It was nice to get away and celebrate Jeff’s B day and the last hurrah of summer at the coast with some good friends….I think my mom and dad had a great time and in all the weather was nice—It was hotter than a demons ass the first few days and in fact the hottest I have ever encountered at the beach in Washington and then some nice cool and gray days cooled us down and it was nice to get our sweaters and sweats on to keep warm and bundle up! We haven’t had to do that in quite sometime this summer in Seattle this year with this heat and sun. We ate way to much and drank like normal—a lot! Enjoyed each others company and like my dad said as we headed out on Monday. I wish we could stay longer….So cute! It would be nice to stay a week and just chill that’s for sure.

So I took along a latch hook rug kit which was fun as it kept me busy and most importantly kept me from smoking! I quit the dirty habit a few weeks ago (this Sunday will make 3 weeks! WHOO HOO!!) I thought it might be a challenge to drink and not smoke this last weekend—but it went really well and that latch hook was a life saver as it kept me busy with the hands! It was really funny as I haven’t done one since I was a kid with my mom and we both remembered doing one that had 2 owls on a branch—it was off white with brown tones, we actually hung that sucker on our living room wall! Yikes! So There was a little bit of a line to latch hook this weekend as Mom-Jeff and I all took our turns…Fun times…..We found out later that Val also did a latch hook owl as well back in the 80’s! Her family was a little more fancy with the latch hooking and wooden eyes sewn on the owls---oh la la! It also hung on her family’s living room wall and I swear Val kept it and now has it on her bedroom wall—I always wondered what that shaggy thing was on her bedroom wall--But you know lesbians there bedrooms are sacred and your not allowed in—much like there bathrooms but if they have only one they have no choice but to let you in but you better be neat! This lesbian bathroom thing is a whole other post and blog so back to the latch hook….Later, another sweetie named Karissa that joined our clan for the weekend from Portland had also done a latch hook with her mom in Costa Rica that was OWLS! They did one with oranges and reds yarns —she believes her mom still has it hanging at their home too! She asked to have a c ahcnce to latch hook too! So dang funny!!! So did they only make latch hooks kits with owls in the 70’s and 80’s? In any event it was a lot of fun and I am glad I did a project…BTW, my latch hook is a rainbow with a smile face….I only have about 6 more rows till it is done and I will take a picture of it and post it when it is over…. We went into town to find another one for my mom at Joann’s Fabrics on Sunday ( She wanted her own ) same place I bought the one I had—but this store was in Astoria Oregon –the sales girl said—“oh they don’t make those anymore I don’t think they have those since the 70’s!!!” What a goober—I had to tell her I bought the one I had in Washington. In any event Latch Hook rug kits are cool man and are coming back! LOL! Next on my list is to crochet! So everyone’s getting booties and hats for Christmas!

Speaking of the 70’s—Jeff and I came across some crochet beer can hats---I wish we bought them…They were pretty comfortable and fun…Remember those? I do remember my Granny back in Hawaii getting me one with Primo Hawaiian Beer Cans on it…I wish I kept that—it would be a collectors item now. Well all this 70’s and 80’s talk is making me feel old... I guess it doesn’t help that my parents call themselves seniors now….That itself makes me feel old too…Maybe that is why I have quit smoking and last night pumped up my old 10 speed bike… I think I will be going on a bike ride this weekend…..So be on the lookout for me--riding along with a crochet beer cap on cruising on my ten speed… Righteous man!

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