Wednesday, September 27, 2006

TONY TRIPOLI- Does a quick Q and A
With a RAD ASS HOMO…….

So you all know how I am very into the latest hit show Fashion House on the new My Network TV…I so love this show and its stars but particularly the hot men…… One of these very hot men is Tony Tripoli… Tony plays HANS, one of Bo Derek’s gay designers on the show. You may also recognize him from his stint as one of the “MAIN GAYS” on season one of "The D list" with Kathy Griffin. Or maybe you were lucky and spotted his fine ass up against a wall in his very cute black undies in the Sept issue of OUT…

I had the opportunity this last week to do my first Q and A with the very handsome and very funny Tony recently...Hope you enjoy it…I certainly did!

So Tony...What’s on you’re I Pod right now that's getting some heavy rotation from ya?

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Simpson, Scissor Sisters, Beyonce and the Pussycat Dolls....embarrassing, huh? I swear, if I ever lose my I pod, whoever finds it will go to the nearest high school and say "Some girl lost this....probably a freshman."

Sounds like my I pod! Now ....If you could invite one person to dinner, who would that be and why?

Id love dinner with a really diverse group that I consider champions of mine...folks that really "made their own way"---How 'bout Elton John, Rufus Wainwright, Carson Kressley, RuPaul, Dolly Parton, Susan Sarandon, Joan Rivers, JLo, Jim McGreevy, George Clooney, Bill Maher, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton and Al Gore.... well maybe not really THAT diverse after all, but what a GREAT party!

Sounds like a blast can I come? Now dare I ask....would there be be any one person you would never invite to dinner?

I am not really interested in sharing a meal with Pat Robertson, Omarossa, or, our current president. No Thanks...

I agree! Can you reveal to me the curse word you tend to overuse on a daily basis?

I have a major potty-mouth, so I love MOTHERFUCK, COCKSUCKER, SHIT.....and SUCK MY DICK.! But "Mother-FUCK!" is def my go-to curse.

Ok so how about a word or maybe even phase that you consider your favorite choice for "Gay" lingo word/phrase of all time?

I have dated a number of Asian men, and because of that I’m often labeled a "rice-queen", which I think is a really ugly expression. However, a former BF of mine (Filipino) taught me the expression "Sticky Rice", which is when two Asians date each other, and THAT I think is GENIUS!!!!!

Can you reveal to us where you’re favorite place is to vacation and get some R and R?

My FAV place in the WORLD is probably Cozumel, Mexico. I fucking love Mexico! I go there every year at least once a year to lie on the beach and just have a bit of quiet is pretty great! The Palancar Reef is one of the most magical places I have ever gone diving. I LOVE IT!!!!

Bonus Question!!!!

Can you share with us the craziest place you have ever did it?

Okay........not many people know this story: I used to sing on ships, and on my 1st one, we had a little turntable built in to the stage (You know, for the "Guys and Dolls" number....stop laughing!!!) Anyway, I had always heard that the crew hooked up with passengers, and I wanted my, I did it with a passenger ON THE TURNTABLE, while rotating, at about 2 a.m.! I seriously could of a lost my job for that shit....and it SUCKED!

P.S.....In 8 years at sea, the only time I ever got sea-sick was trying to fuck a passenger on that goddamn lazy susan!

Want more of Tony? I do! Get your Tony fix and more hot pictures and info at-
Tony Tripoli .com-

Check out Fashion House Weeknights on MY Network TV—

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Great interview- I love it, Tony you Rock!
