Monday, September 25, 2006


This Sunday we are going to see Wicked at the Paramount in Seattle! I am so excited I am close to busting at the seams! Broadway musicals does that sort of thing to me...We had many get-together’s over the weekend while Craig and Kevin were in town--and so also had the opportunity to visit with many of our old freinds from the old high school days….One dear friend I had in school “Kelly” now has a daughter named Sadie—I was really impressed with meeting this 13 year old and had a few conversations with her throughout the evening…Later in the night we both found out that we are going to see Wicked on the same night! We both jumped for joy and screamed when we found out! She is so very cute and advised me that she is going to listen to the soundtrack all week in anticipation to Sundays show cute.....I gave her the Wicked book I have and she was hugging it all evening----Her big dream is to one day be a Broadway star! I simply love that! Im sure her big dream will come true.....I love it when I see a youngster with stars in thier eyes!....I can't wait to see Sadie and Kelly on Sunday—I promised I would call them so we can hook up in the lobby of the theater and gush, scream and jump around together like crazy people! Jeff and I had forgotten we even had tickets! Our "main gay" gal pals Val and Starla got it for us last Christmas! What a treat indeed!

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