Friday, October 27, 2006

Pineapple Pumpkin

I Love this!!!...Last night we carved 11 or so pumpkins for tomorrow nights Annual Halloween Bash at our abode...We painted some of them with black foral paint as last year as those are always very cool looking. New this year was using different size bits and drilling holes all around them--they came out nice and we talked about doing patterns next year due to how awesome the ones looked that we drilled ( not to mention how easy it was) and viola--look what popped up under pumpkin chic on the internet today...This pineapple pumpkin is to die for...

Big Bash is tomorrow nite!!! Will post pics for sure! I think we have about 20-30 guest confimred already and maybe even more as I keep geting e mails today they are all scheduled to stop in to our haunted home on the hill....So I gotta run...busy as a MUMMY!!! Gotta head to Costco for industrial size party goods and food...Have a nice MONSTER MASH weekend....

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