Thursday, October 19, 2006

Project Runways WINNER! Congrats JEFFREY!

You were my PROJECT RUNWAY pick--Next was super Ulli of course--my hunny Jeffs pick was Ulli--Goes to show all you big losers who picked Micheal!!! ...You know who all are--you Michael lovers---whooper your jaws man! Too bad and so very sad...maybe its his fault though for hooking up with Brandy-- she always has been a shitty dresser with her bad fake hair...

Im glad as I never wanted Michael---icky! Yes... lets bring back white parachute pants with all these Michael Jackson belts and ties---uh gross! I don't know anyone that wanted that cow Laura to win as well ...thank god she was sent away with her four hundred evening gowns and be-dazzle gun collection!!! But actually they all did superb and this was the best season yet for sure--kudos to all the designers---but Jeffery is the man! Cheers to Jeffrey--and why is Tim Gunn so pink? he is in need of some bronzer....He should borrow some from the 10 year supply Michael Kors has at his house....


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

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  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Poor Micheal he thought he had it in the bag all he got was Brandy and her sad fake weaves....I bet she dumps him now that he didnt win PR....
