Monday, November 27, 2006

Hermey and Rudy

As as a child I was into making puppets-- I would put on puppet shows for my 2 sisters, my ma and pa and my brother-- who by the way thought HE was wonder woman during my puppet show phase...and of course he would never shut up during my shows---anyhow enough of Wonder Mouth....

I used to take my desk turn it upside down and then stack it on my dresser---Make a pair of curtains ( mind you with silver Reynolds wrap foil stars) ....connect it from end to end on the upside down desk and viola.... a perfect puppet show venue.

I did ALOT of shows....But my most favorite and memorable has to be the year I put on Rudolph-- I did the WHOLE album/soundtrack..Misfits, We are Santa Elves, Holy Jolly Christmas, Silver and Gold, etc...Each song was a new segment which featured a new puppet or team of puppets, new backdrops with lights and change of wardrobe....Intermissions were done and I would dress up as Santa and give out candy....Shit I even did a program and ran it off at the copy machne at Woolworths to pass out! Gosh .....I was such a big fag....well at least I was a creative and fun one...I don't know why my mother didn't take the hint and shove me in the direction of set design or interior decorating.....oh well....

When I got a bit older and hit intermediate and high school, My bestest dearheart-Tammy (my Grace Adler) would get together and listen to the soundtrack. We were both so much alike... we still are.......We could feel the music- even taste hit us both the the same way and we loved it and had so much fun! Till today when I hear the songs or watch the program on TV, I get a nice special feeling.. And as I sing along to every world and hit all the right notes and syllables, it brings back all this fun and it makes me feel young again. Tammys kids love this DVD and they look forward to watching it every year...what a simple but perfect tradition being made.

I do however have one bad memory of this whole flashback......Alot of folks used to say that I looked like HERMEY the dentist---Except I had black hair...I got that alot growing up.... the whole I look like a cartoon character.....Haven't had that said to me recently...I wonder if that's good or bad?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Thank you, Thank you, I love HERMEY and CORNEILUS!!! I love that you wrote about Rudolph. I am soooo happy right now. I love Christmas and you!

    Grace A.
