Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I need a fricken NAP!!!

Sorry... been detained and busy--our basement flooded with the Seattle Mosoons we have been getting the last few days ...VERY long story....... in all it is a disaster and so Im stressed out and pretty much at my wits end....Dealing with all this and also hell.... oops I mean work is so very busy and so no time for!!!

Plus... Im in charge of the companys holiday party this year--oh WHY did I get myself into this???.....Oh I remember I thought it would be fun....NOT!!! The women that helps out with it (my so called partner) is not much help as shes driving me bonkers as she has her pantaloons in a bunch about everything ..shes a big cow...

Anyhow.... thought I would pop in and say a quick hello....Should be back soon to posting---- I hope...I wish I could just curl up and nap with this boy and my dogs...

I shall touch base soon...RAD

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Poor thing RAD.
    I feel so bad for you.
    I wish I could help you with your Christmas Party. We would give a killer swarae'. Let me know if I can help.

    Love ya....Jenny Hart
