Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Its 2007--

After having over 2 weeks off from work--its a total pisser to come back to work...back to the hell hole.....Granted what I do can be alot of fun as I set up and sell groups to travel...and usually I have a great time with it and try to keep happy at work---its fun to have rapport with people from all over the world....but the real reason works sucks the big one is some of the people I work is just so......well heres a good word for them crotchy.....

They are a bunch of sad sacks and have no fun in life.....I think it would kill them if they smiled...Gosh...Being back just reminds me on how negative they all are......oh well..... maybe more on them later...they don't deserve to even be mentioned........Hope all is well with you all out there.....thanks for all the Happy New Year Wishes!!!

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