Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Seattle Gay Pride 2007- Time to rub the tarnish off your tiara's and put on your best skivvies..Or whatever your pride ritual is...its time to PRIDE...I really wanted to go to SFO for pride and also so I could meet and see all you fellow bloggers but I wont be able to make it to the Annual Gay Summit II...I hope you all have a blast! I will be at Seattle's bankrupt pride.....Just kidding...I just hope they get those financials under control....Read a interesting statistic in the Seattle Metro Mag yesterday as I was sitting in the dentist office...1/3 of Seattle's metro area attend the Gay pride parade.... Seattle is so fricken gay..love it! See ya there..I will be in my new baby blue and white undies and cowboy boots! Yahoo!



  1. photos of outfit please

  2. What Ian said!

    and welcome back to the blogosphere...missed ya!
