Thursday, August 16, 2007

Work Out Time

Ok.... so we joined a gym yesterday.....Jeff and I have been lucky enough to have been born with decent physique's...But the last few years the metabolisms have slowed and my spare tire has gotten a bit out of control...For the first time in many years we are back with gym memberships...So the workout era begins!!!...The snacking has to be cut back as well as the soda pop.....I am however going to keep the cocktails flowing as I will need that release.... We are super excited to start working on our fitness!!! Wish us luck...I think will need it for the first few weeks until it becomes a habit for us....


  1. Good luck with that! As we get older it is imperative we keep it up....or it all goes to hell. I take my cues from Madonna on that one.

  2. Best of luck with the new workout!! Now, can you help me get my ass back to the gym 3 times a week? :)

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    i'm still looking for that inspiration to get into working out stuff too. hmmm, i'm planning to try-out for volleyball league starting sept, would that count?
    anyway, have fun at the gym

  4. M Filer- Thanks Love...Madge is the best! But geez louise is she a skeletor right now... she does everything to the extreme!

    Stephen- thanks! Im sure we can think of SOMETHING TO BRIBE you back into a workout regime!

    Kiss Mike-Yup..I thought about joining the gay rugby team--GO FOR IT! Volley is fun and you can work on your fitness too--just make sure your position is behind someone with a cute ass so when you rotate you get to look at it all during the game! :)
