Monday, October 01, 2007

My Busy Weekend Recap
If your at all interested...
Weekend was BUSY! After being gone for a few weeks we had a lot to do on our first weekend back….

Friday Night- I hauled 12 bins of Halloween out of garage and put in basement. As I anticipated rain this weekend…..Started a slow unpacking of them- Jeff and I love Halloween so we have a lot of décor—what can I say we are Halloweenie fanatics!!! Relaxed later with the dogs and watched some TV.

Saturday- Went out to breakfast at Saimin Says (Hawaiian breakfast) with Starla and Val our gal pals…...Then we were all off to that hell they call Walmart---shopping was in order for all the basics and did some grocery shopping too….It was early so we did all this before 11am and didn’t have to deal with the suburbia family hell and most importantly saved some bucks…Got what we needed and headed home…. Had some lunch then tackled the Halloween bins again—Unpacked mostly all of them…..Started to place items and move stuff out to make space…..The Pottery Barn House transforms to A Haunted House!!! Then around 530ish—left for a dinner party at some friends! Time to drink! Our friends had a major surprise….They had taped the Justin Timberlake’s Future Sex Love Sounds concert that aired on HBO on Labor Day weekend…So Jeff and I love JT……We have both cds and think he is so talented among other things...... Well the concert was THE BEST CONCERT EVER!!!! He really puts on a SHOW. The boy is so talented….If you know his music I suggest you watch it ASAP—it was so flipping awesome!!!!! Plus you don’t have to sit with 5001 screaming girls and you can bust a move in your own living room and sing your lungs out!

Sunday-Pouring down buckets of rain all day!!! We finished the Halloween decorating extravaganza and it is now ready for the season! Gave the dogs a bath-cleaned the house top to bottom and did laundry--Went to the grocery store and got a roast for dinner- relaxed in the late afternoon and lounged on the couch with the super clean decorated house (what a turn on!!! So you think it’s kinda weird that a clean spotless house turns this gay boy on? Well it does!!! I know they are more of you out there that is the same—lol)) watched Season 2 of Weeds….We had a nice dinner…..then we settled in for the season premieres of Desperate Housewife’s and then Brother and Sisters….. Both were not disappointing at all and I loved both….

Phew!!! What a weekend…..Back to work today—oh yippee skippy

I did not get a chance to upload our digital pictures over the weekend—will try to do so this week---I wanted to post as requested some pics of the trip and also now the Halloween decor…Promise to do so soon!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES season premiere. "Curtains perhaps." Classic.
