Monday, November 12, 2007

Im Better

Ok-- so I had a weekend to recoup and Im feeling a little better--not a ton better but better than I was which is good as I was ready to jump off the flippin Space Needle.... Had a nice dinner with out bestest gal pals on Friday night and had some nice drinks....needed that.......Watched some Ugly Betty--I think this is my number one show--so well written.... you have to rewind it to catch all the humor in the writing-- I love it.....well that is until Project Runway-- which I believe premieres this week!!!! Yippee!!
Saturday took the kids in for a groom-- they look much better now as we can see there eyes again-- they have gone 2 1/2 months without a trim and since they are shih tzus they are cute little dust mops when they have the long hair but they are looking much better now....neater and much easier for daddy to maintain......Stopped at Nordstrom Rack for some retail therapy and then relaxed all night and sat on the sectional cuddling with the kids. Yesterday Sunday- we had retail therapy all day......spent money we don't have but we have some new pieces added for the winter wardrobe and that's a good thing.......Now we are at a new week and I have lots to get this mood fixed!

Roof Leak- The nice Christian fellas that did our roof at our old home is coming over this week to look at putting a new one on our current abode. I like using these 2 brothers--a small business they have on the them much better than paying bucu bucks to some big outfit. Jeff called them and they remembered us-- Didn't you have the partner and 2 little dogs?-----Awww shucks...........I wonder what church they belong too.. they are totally friendly.....

Relax-Get an apt this week for a massage- this is a must!

Job-At least apply for 2 jobs this week- My goal is to apply out of my company for 2 jobs a week. This is the only cure of getting out of this dreaded job. I have to get off my hump and do this no matter what!!!!

Feeling Better-Work Out at least 2-3 times this week.....

Many more mini items but its a start to getting myself out of this funk.....Thanks to all that sent me ideas on how to relax and get out of this crazy doom mood-- so guys are the best and you know who you are.....Im taking one of advises tonight.....Im going to take a nice hot bath with some candles and soak...its a cold, rainy and windy day in Seattle- ( we have a winter wind storm advisory today) a nice bath will be perfect!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the two Christian bros coming over. Never know what mayhappen.
