Friday, November 16, 2007

A film By T.S. Slaughter

Just watched the trailer....Looks like a really good one!!!

Gay sex buddies Nathan and Justin are united by their passion for slasher, vigilante, serial killer and zombie films. Bored and frustrated with their lives as students at an obscure college in impoverished New Haven, Connecticut, they decide to teach a self-important classmate, Andy, a lesson by raping him. The drug-fuelled incident goes awry and Andy dies. High on the thrill of their first killing, Nathan and Justin decide to pay a visit to nearby Ivy University to wreak more havoc on the elite campus. What follows is a harrowing and bloody tale of homo-cidal mania.

"Skull & Bones" is controversial, nasty, and extreme.
Audience members at private New York screenings have described the film as "twisted," "disturbing," and "subversive," but also "hilarious" and "hot".
To learn more about the film and order info-
You can watch the trailer here! Check it out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, Halloween is over! But I love that "gay sex buddy" part. Hum. Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment about a road trip to Seattle. Appreciate it and look forward to staying in touch. Cheers.
