Thursday, November 29, 2007


I would like to have the power of voodoo! I'm thinking it would be great to use on a few people that need to be taught a lesson...but I have to take the higher road and believe what comes around goes around and good things happen to good people … I have to admit though, it does sound quite satisfying to doing some voodoo hex on a few pains in my side that come to mind…What a friggen riot I would have! Nothing really hurtful or super mean just a taste of there own medicine would be awesome…. Anyone have a doll?


  1. Remember on Gilligan's Island when they got a hold of some Voodoo dolls. I'm with you, I've got a few people I would like to POKE....aand not in a good way!

  2. you're wicked!!...and I like that!

  3. So true! I'd use it the next time some idiot nearly runs into me with their car because they're too busy talking on their cell phone to pay attention to driving.

    Where can we get voodoo dolls? It might be worth a try!

    Mark :-)
