Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Boar Hog
aka Denise Martin Apologizes..

Ok-- I got some e mails about how HARSH I was in yesterday post about Denise...I know I tend to sometimes go over the top but I really didn't like her much and the vibe I got was a good one.....I apologize for being a bit to harsh on her but its the way I felt and so too flipping bad to all those Denise supporters that sent me the messages of distaste...

But if you read the story on it today....she apologizes but then starts back in on her pity me waaa waaa crap again...

Denise Martin, the former lunch lady who claimed she had been demoted to janitor after appearing on “Survivor: China,” acknowledged today that the hard-luck story she told in the reality show finale was not true. It was not my intention to be misleading," Martin said from studio in Los Angeles. "Nancy has been outstanding to me. She has done everything possible. She has given me the leave of absences to be on the show."
"I'm sorry," Martin continued, sounding as though she was near tears. "And I apologize to everybody. Believe me, I wish none of this had happened. I couldn't say I’m sorry enough."
During the live broadcast of the show's finale Sunday, Martin told viewers she had been demoted from her $7-an-hour job as a lunch lady because she had become too popular at Douglas Intermediate Elementary School.
"They didn't give me my job back," said Martin, 40, who finished fourth in the reality show and missed the $1 million grand prize. "I'm a janitor now. I clean toilets. I wash the floors in the bathroom. I vacuum the kids' rugs."

Full Story here-

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