Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last Minute Shopping
How Bunk!

I am a little behind this year-- DAMM! I did manage to get my Christmas cards out and did a fast holiday letter.....phew!....And I did mange to get some shopping done but by no means am I done YET! This means we will have to either go out on an evening this week- which I personally feel would be best or go and fight the insane amounts of people over the weekend.....Which will most likely be the thing we end up doing- The only part that is sorta fun about it is getting to see the people that come out of the woods, mountains and trailer parks and such...I like to take a break between fighting the crowds to sit back and eat my mall pretzel and observe the animals-- I mean people.....This is the one time of year you get to see those folks that only shop when they have too...My mom calls them the hillbilly's......you know what I mean......I know you all see them at the store this time of year.....Screaming at each other or looking like they are lost in some foreign new world-- some are in dire need of a bath or at least a fricken hairbrush... I also don't know if this is a Seattle trend but we have noticed lately that we see a large amount of people in pajamas! They are mostly in Pj pants and alot of people in house slippers shopping! I ask you when did it become appropriate to shop in your Sponge Bob, Star Trek and Strawberry Shortcake Pj's? And house booties? We see a allot of folks in this attire out and about these days.....even in grocery stores!
Could you at least put on a pair of active wear sweats Billy Bob and Suzy Sue for heavens sake!! And please wear a Bra Suzy Sue!...You need that boulder holder! I can only condone a really cute Billy Bob....He can just wear his Justice League Pj's pants with no underwear....I am so ok with that look....


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    That is just hilarious! If only you had some photos to go along with this post...

  2. I see them everywhere too....I'm wondering if it's a NORTHWEST thing....
    You know what I do? I stop, stare, giggle, point, and laugh.....right at them. It's terrible,but a lot of fun.

  3. I know!! We all say "PJ alert" when we see it...Its been common for the last year or so to see this PJ craze..I am so going to do what you say Lewis-- or maybe just comment -- cute PJ's!

  4. What a funny post! I couldn't agree more though, that it is just not appropriate to be shopping in your pajamas. End of discussion.

    Mark :-)

  5. all the best with taking in the sights and getting your shopping done,it is kinda fun getting out in the thick of it.
