Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Books! For the Trip!~
Should of Gone to Amazon for them instead!

So went to Barnes and Noble and Borders Books-- We loaded up on books like the ones above to read on our vacation in the South Pacific (We leave next Monday night!- woo hoo!) We anticipate alot of down time in the sun on this 13 day cruise....We had a $25 gift card to use at Barnes and that started the whole business......So we picked up a a few Gay Romances- short stories and such and dropped about $110.00 for about 6 books....

Now I am a little upset! After spending the money on all these books I notice today that Amazon has the same books for SO MUCH LESS than the bookstores! WTF!! Most books that are 15.95 or 16.95 are 10.95 at Amazon or LESS! I wish I would of realized that beforehand.....I shop at Amazon ALOT-- why I didn't think to get my books at Amazon is beyond me.....I think we would of got 11 books for the same amount! Oh Well... cant wait to dig in to them anyhow...

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time!

    That's the problem with gift cards, you always spend more than the gift card is worth. Sorry you overspent on the books!

    Mark :-)
