Friday, January 04, 2008

Patrick Wilson
Is My Type- HOT!

Patrick Wilson gets honors as the first hunk of 2008 posted…I am a true Patrick fan and he is a bonafide what I like to call MY TYPE! Had one last movie sitting at home that I got over the break—Little Children, and got to watching it last night….What a great movie! Kate Winslet rocks as well…..Do rent it if you haven’t seen it yet….Plus you get to see Mr. Wilson’s spectacular body…and A LOT of it!! He has been in many plays and movies—worth mention is Running with Scissors, Evening, and Angels In America-just to name a few and do you remember that HOT Gap commercial with Claire Danes as well? The man is on fire and HOT


  1. When you find him, let me know. I'll be right up.

  2. If you haven't - you must see him in Angels in America

  3. He is so pretty. Something about that mouth. In Angels in America near the end when he descends down into the subway or depths of despair or hell, however you want to call it , you just want to embrace him and never let him go. What a good choice to start the year.

  4. Oh and what a terrific film he was in, "Little Children."

    An amazing film.

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

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