Monday, February 25, 2008

The Oscars were JUNK! Ok... so how boring was the 80th? I only really appreciated all the old footage-- that was super great....Few highlights was Jon Mclauglins performance....The Enchanted performances.... love that movie....and super cool Tilda Swinton winning best supporting actress.. The rest of it was really kinda BORING eh???


  1. Junk and boring? Almost, but not quite.
    I am so not mainstream, I do have to admit. But the highlights: Two foreign films....The Counterfeiters (took place at a concentration camp near Berlin that I have visited).....and the flick about the same-sex couples fighting for benefits (can't remember the name)....and also "Falling" from a second-run fiick with people who were so not expecting it. Those were three great parts.

  2. I liked it too...maybe it was all the wine that I had...

  3. I guess I was just disapointed..I take back Junk... I still give it a boring -- sorry fellas...

  4. Boring as can be. At first, I was attributing it to my age, thanks in part to family members I was watching the show with, but I'm glad to hear from others at work and the media how lackluster the event seemed.
    I liked Amy Adams performance on the show though.

  5. yeah, not just the best of recent years, it was a bit zzzzzzzzz

  6. I think the films nominated this year contributed to the 'lackluster' feel of the Oscars show. There just wasn't a lot of emotion behind seeing any of these films win, like there was when Brokeback Mountain was nominated.

    Mark :-)

  7. Yeah, I agree. It was dull.

    But you have to admit that 'drink-your-own-pee-crazy' Tilda Swinton added a bit of cuckoo to the process.

    And La Cottilard walking off with the big one. So cool. For a while last summer I was very Piaf...
