Friday, February 15, 2008

Some People Are GAY
Get over it....
Stonewall Scotland launched the most provocative advertising campaign aimed at tackling homophobic abuse and hate crime in Scotland. (SH) Using the sexy John Barrowman as a spokesman...With the number of crap like this taking place lately in the states....I wish someone would do the same here....awesome!


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Love me some John Barrowman.

  2. I even heard about a few of these incidents up on Capitol Hill where we're all meeting tonight! I'll put on my best "straight boy look".

  3. Now THAT's a poster child for gay rights!

  4. I'd love to see billboards plastered with this message!

    Mark :-)

  5. I don't just watch Torchwood to see him make out with guys, but it's always a bonus! Got to love a Captain Jack "Hardness"
