Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ashton Kutcher
In V Man Mag...

I like Ashton...Saw this on E last night so had to share--Ashton is in VMan Magazine... He is out promoting his movie Spread...Looking at these pics reminded me that Ashton got his start as a male model…I think he should do more of it as he looks hot... Loving Ashton in a pair of whitey tighties. Here's a few snippets from the interview.

On the concept for the photo shoot:
"I had a vision one day. I was watching one of those Gatorade commercials where they had a guy on a treadmill, and they're testing to see what his physical abilities are. I had this idea: what did the creator—God or whatever—make you for? Maybe we're all doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing, and we're all actually robots."
On getting around before settling down: "I had a serial-dating period. I was pretty abusive of my attributes for a while...My fame and my looks. I was pretty abusive to a lot of people. This movie Spread is kind of my way to say I'm sorry to a lot of girls I may have hurt by being disrespectful."
What Ashton had to say about filming with Michelle Pfeiffer and life with Demi
On his love scenes with Michelle Pfeiffer: "I don't think I've ever romanced an older woman. I've romanced a woman...If I had stepped back as myself and said, 'You're going to work today to make love to Michelle Pfeiffer,' that would freak me the f*ck out. I would have been like, 'Holy sh*t!' I would have had a really awkward time doing that. So I just approached it from within the character's world—just one character seeking comfort from another character, a compartmentalized existence that wasn't my own."
On living the sweet life: "My life is so far from domesticated. That is not a good definition of me at all. Demi and I play around the world, and that is awesome. I was just on the phone with my agent and he said to me, 'I don't know many people who have it as good as you have it.' And I don't know anyone who has it as good as I have it. I have a great spiritual foundation, an amazing career, a loving, supportive wife and family, I have a lot of friends, and I don't have any enemies. I don't know a lot of people who have what I have."