Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Show me your Basket.....

I was just in Walgreens last night and hellish Walmart over the weekend....Man do they have a butt loads of Easter stuff! Walmart had about 5 LONG isles of stuff.....Holidays have gotten so out of control....No complaints though as I love to go up and down the isles and look at all the pretty stuff....I am so like that.....So I got some egg color kits and decided I need to have a egg color party on Friday night....I hope it cheers me up as things have been kinda dim with some family stuff going on....I will elaborate more on that later.
So my wonderful mom aka the Easter bunny....used to make us these really nice Easter baskets when we were growing up....They were NEVER store bought EVER and they were filled and huge....So we sure had a awesome bunny visit us every Easter.....She would fill it up with all this stuff she knew we would enjoy. She would wrap it all up in that pretty color cellophane stuff (Purple was my favorite)....I would wake up on Easter morning and go kinda giddy every year.....I would open my eyes ever so slowly and then see this BIG basket shimmering in the early light dusk of morning....I would take it to the parlor (what most people now call the living room) and then wait as my sisters and brother would wake.....Then before we could unwrap these monster sized parents would have to take a picture of the 4 of us sitting there with our baskets first...I should try to post one of them- Talk about the Brady bunch on Easter morning! Gosh we were so good and very patient.....I now see kids and they just go ballistic...forget the Rubik's cube.....Nice I pod and cell phone and x box in your basket Austin! I love kids but man am I happy I just have dogs.....
So as we grew up the items in the basket changed...From coloring books, toys and candy to more toys and candy to teen stuff like underarm deodorants, gels, puzzles, socks, undies,cassette tapes and candy......My sisters would get those giant Bonnie Bell lip balm packs and I would secretly wish I would of got some too....Watermelon was my fave....My sister never missed it from her 10 pack....ha! So my mom and I was chatting about it this weekend and she mentioned how my dad couldn't believe she made baskets for us kids till we left home...19 years old and the Easter bunny still left me a basket next to my bed for me to go giddy about...... I wonder what she would put n my basket now? I should of asked her, she was so creative and cool.....
So maybe my husband will make me a basket this year....hint hint.....I can see it now maybe filled with some porno DVDs, wet lube, and maybe some gift cards to I tunes and such, and even maybe my favorite Cologne-- though not Jovan Musk or Chaps by Ralph Lauren (my old faves back in high school--my mom would put these in my basket back then) oh..... and don't forget the candy!!!!! Some Cadbury Mini Eggs and some Recess Peanut Butter Eggs please as I have already ate one bag I bought over the weekend and I have starting on the second bag that was stashed for the egg coloring party...oops!!!


  1. I can't even believe that you found yourself inside the four walls of a Wal Mart Mecca! Shame on you.

  2. Lewey--I know I said HELLISH Peanut butter eggs though...

  3. Spouse & I have never made Easter baskets for each other. Maybe that would be a fun 'surprise' for him if I made him one.

    Mark :-)
