Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all my peeps...It will be a soggy ones for us in Seattle- Cold and wet Easter Sunday-- Egg hunt will be indoors for the kids....Tonite is suppose to dip into the 30's! Brrrrrrr! Forget my Easter dress--Im going to wear my Easter thermals! Hope you find the golden egg! xoxoxoxox


  1. Happy Easter to you, too! We're getting 3 to 7 inches today. Of snow, damn it!

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Happy Easter buddy, freezing our nuts over here in England too!

  3. We used to hide eggs in the house due to bad weather. It was fun and so much more of a challenge. But my mom would panick when she'd foget where she hid them all. ;)
    Happy Easter!
    You've been tagged.

  4. Well I hate to say it (no I don't) it's over 80 degrees here in Long Beach, CA. Don't let the weather spoil your "egg" hunt! Be well and Happy Easter...

  5. Happy Belated Easter to you, too!

  6. Hope your Easter was a great one!

    Mark :-)
