Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Never Back Down

This came out last week or maybe the week before...I don't think it did really well....I'm thinking I would like to see it as I am so all over a movie like this! So if anyone has seen or or heard anything about it let me know you thoughts......I'm thinking these guys on the big screen might be kinda nice to see ya know what I mean....Or maybe I should wait for the DVD?


  1. I've been absent a few days and I see that you haven't stopped with the contstant flow of hot, heated, fired up boys. Thanks!

  2. My advise is to always wait for the DVD. I hate paying $10. to see a movie that may/may not be good. Eventhough it just came out last week, Netflix will have this DVD in, like, 3 months.

    Mark :-)

  3. This is a definite DVD movie, the reviews for it were horrible, but it certainly has some nice eye candy and just watching the trailer for it got me very excited!
