Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun Quick Getaway or Lap Top?
That is the question....

Last day at the job is next Thursday May 1, and the first day at the new job is Monday May 12..... I was a smart cookie and got some much needed time off in between. Husband got the time off as well! So we are poking around and looking for a last minute quick getaway from Seattle without having to spend lots of cash.

We looked into San Diego, San Fran, NYC, Florida, Hawaii, Mexico, Rome, Japan -- Ha!...well you all know we searhed all over the damm creation.... but last minute air is a bit pricey to most destinations right now.......So we found a good price to LA (183RT).. and thought we could head over to Palm Springs and stay a few days there and then a few days in San Diego....But the problem is I also want a lap top.....

Or sunny Palm Springs Vacation?

I want both damm it!! I know...... maybe I cut the trip to a 4 day trip so I can have both? Any other ideas folks?

Or .....I guess we could always do a real mini trip and drive to Vancouver BC. and do a spa trip.......Or maybe even drive over to Portland, Oregon and then take the kids, our doggies-- They can have there own heavenly dog bed at the Westin... and we can shop tax free for the lap top......

Hmmm................I'm in pickle...


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Congratulations and good luck in the new job!

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM


    if you really need the laptop, then do it, otherwise do the vancouver trip.

    its so gorjj this time of year. usually.

    if you go, spend some time in white rock if you can. it's a piece of actual heaven.

  3. Since you both have the time off, I say go on a trip. ANYWHERE. You can always buy the new laptop later when you two DON'T have a week off together.

    Mark :-)
