Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Thought I would have a quiet b day.......But I was tricked! ......Thinking I was going over to have a quiet b day dinner to celebrate with just the four of us, Jeff and I and then our gal pals Starla and Val.... Starla's B day is in April but they are going to be in London so hence the b day dinner.....Anyhow....of course Jeff and Val invited some of our friends and family over so it was a little surprise party.

I have to admit I had a great time even if I am a b day party pooper of sorts.....I don't think you can tell much though as I look trashed in all the pics as I was having a grand time once I had a few vodka cocktails....I wasn't sure I should post any of them....Yikes!...as I think I look 42 years old in all of them as so I retract my statement from the other day that I look 32.....I know I am a critical SOB....

So it snowed all afternoon and evening on Saturday and I cant remember any birthdays in Seattle that it snowed right on my b day so that was special indeed! I must of had a good time as I got up on Sunday morning with a cold that I am currently trying to get rid off.

Lots of hugs and kisses for all the b day wishes posted over the weekend to all ...So sweet!!! They made me super happy and also made me think to be more positive about my b day... will make sure to try next year for sure! Also.... the drinking helped just like it was advised by many of you too! xoxoxoxox

The evil Host and Hostess of B day event- Val and Jeff.....
Birthday Hawaiian Guava Cake and the drunks....Starla and Errol turn 42!


  1. happy belated....i'm so slow

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Happy Birfday! Better to have them than to not. Just embrace it and laugh.

  3. Looks like a good time was had by all! You're cute! That Hawaiian Guava cake sounds fab.

    Happy birthday (again),

    Mark :-)

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Happy Birthday!
    "That was a lovely story dear. Now, go make mommy another martini."

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. Good for you. Happy Belated!

  7. Happy Birthday you sexy beast!!!

  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Glad you didn't stay home and mope!
