Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Oasis
My Back Patio Garden

The weathers been splendid in Seattle...This also means for the last 2 nights after work me getting my ass "okole" out in the yard! 3 hours for the front 3 hours for the back yard to mow and get the lawn in order..We live on a double lot so we have ALOT of yard! So its a major workout! As I work out front cars whiz by and honk...Its all our wonderful neighbors. I think our neighbors adore us as we keep out house and landscape tidy and such. I think we are the only gays in the hood so I'm happy they like us. Of course I would never put in a huge water fountain eyesore thingy like the gays on Desperate Housewife's! Ha! So that may help the approval level! What therapy it is for the soul and mind to get out and work with the earth huh? It really is one of my joys....

Pics are from our back area patio/lanai-- these were taken last May I do believe....It doesn't look like this now...but will.....It really doesn't have all my flowers that usually are in bloom.....Summertime it is even more showy and in full bloom! I will need to snap a few pics then. So I also got out and worked in this area as well the last few evenings and got it ready for it 2008 premiere. All my perennials are coming up! The Lilly's and Cannas are coming in strong! Yippee! So very exciting! It really is our little oasis and cocktail party spot in the summer...When you all coming by? You know your invited! Cocktails will be ready when you arrive!


  1. Lovely! I wish I got the same satisfaction from yard work.

    Mark :-)

  2. Oh my, this is quite a visual feast! Where's the hot tub? The naked boys? The party?


  3. This is amazing...I am so jealous. My goal this year is to work on the yard. Along with everything else going on in my life.!!!

    See ya soon sexy!

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Wow, what a great yard. We're all coming by this weekend.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

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  6. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Indeed a beutifull garden. I think that you spend much time to keep it green.
