Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Am Busy
As a Seattle highway at rush hour........

Busy days!!! So sorry if I haven't been around much.....The new job is making me kinda crazy when it comes to time....I used to work 630-300 now I am 800-500--- meaning I get home at 600 where as I used to get home at 330....So I am .......lets just say adjusting...Speaking of adjusting--the new job is going ok....lots of learning and a whole new sales arena...Not sure I am cut out for this new job which is scary as I am not sure I made the right decision to leave my other job.....granted my friends are telling me to be patient as I am learning and to give it a shot...this is only week 4.........I will just have to stick this one out and see if I can handle it and what transpires......I will say right now its kinda like pulling fun......But again my biggest thing is "patience"......which I have very little off and thus patience is a developmental of mine....Its just I am so used to being busy at work and this new job is kinda boring- I watch the others who seem to enjoy not being busy-- lazy asses! So this may not be the environment I need to be can you all do me a favor...please pray for me that it works out....I need all your good ju ju to be sent my way.


  1. I'll send one up for you whether I have a good connection or not.
    Yeah patience is the key but you don't want to hear that. Kudos to you for the courage to change jobs. My grandmother used to say a still sal(pig) drinks all the slop but a rolling stone gathers no moss. That sounds like a no win situation but change is good. Hang in there.

  2. Just you wait! I have found that new jobs are always rather boring in the beginning, and you think to yourself "I'll never be busy enough to not be bored." But then you get more responsibility and more work, and people have more confidence in you, and you become very busy. Just you wait!

    Mark :-)

  3. I hope it works out for you! I am about as busy here too, this weather sucks!!
