Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Its still cold in Seattle..
Even colder than Siberia!
Front page of the Seattle Times today-- Colder than Siberia! We may get some warmth this weekend-- a MAY hit 70! Yahoo....It about time....Not as hot as some of you have been saying and having in your neck of the woods---now that's to warm...what is going on with the weather eh?....the article is below.....

doesn't seem fair, but it's the cold, hard truth — accent on cold: While Seattle hasn't seen a 70-degree day in more than two weeks, Fairbanks, Alaska, has had six of them in the past 10 days.

Just about everyone, it seems, is toastier than we are. You've heard of International Falls, Minn., the self-proclaimed "Icebox of the Nation"? It's had four days this month in the 70s, topped off with a pleasant 75 on Sunday. Across the Atlantic, the northern destination of Oslo, Norway, has been passing the 70-degree mark nearly every day recently, while even the Siberian city of Tomsk, Russia, hit the 70s last weekend.
Meanwhile, shivering Seattle residents, hearing about snowplows back at work on Snoqualmie Pass this week, probably have only dim memories of the 77-degree high of May 24, the last time the mercury crept into the 70s here.
On Tuesday, state highway workers clearing away the last of 7 inches of snow on Interstate 90 could remember only two other times in the past 30 years that snowplows have been called out this late in the year.

Maybe we shouldn't complain too loudly, though.
The East Coast has been sweating and sweltering in mid- to upper-90-degree heat, setting records in several areas.
In New York City, the temperature was pushing toward the 100-degree mark. Combined with high humidity, the heat had people scurrying for shade or air-conditioned relief.
Weather experts say June made its chilliest debut ever in Seattle last week, but at least a temporary respite is on the way. The National Weather Service forecasts highs of 69 on Thursday, 72 on Friday and 69 on Saturday, before highs drop back into the mid-60s Sunday and Monday


  1. Its not unusual for my area to be in the 90s, but its unusual for it to occur in early June.

    Sending "warm" thoughts your way,

    Mark :-)

  2. This Seattle weather has been sooooooo sucky. We've been calling in Juneuary!
